I had to take a screenshot of my response since it was getting flagged for being inappropriate for some reason.
Chemical weathering changes the composition of rocks, often transforming them when water interacts with minerals to create various chemical reactions. Chemical weathering is a gradual and ongoing process as the mineralogy of the rock adjusts to the near surface environment.
A lit candle needs to draw oxygen from the air in order to continue burning. If you limit the amount of air available, the candle's flame eventually goes out once it uses up all the oxygen. Lit candles in smaller jar stop burning first because the oxygen trapped in the jar are fewer than the ones in bigger jars.
1. Oxygen is an effective final electron acceptor in cellular respiration because of its high electronegativity.
2. Organisms that use it as a final electron acceptor can produce more usable energy than organisms that do not use oxygen, but only if it is available.
3. With more available energy, aerobic organisms can grow larger and move faster.
1. Cellular respiration is an aerobic pathway because oxygen is an electron acceptor. This process produces 38 molecules of ATP per glucose. The atomic elements that are positioned at the right of the periodic table have high electronegativities because they tend to be electron acceptors.
2. The efficiency of energy production of aerobic respiration is much higher compared to the anaerobic respiration because this metabolic pathway (aerobic respiration) can produce 38 molecules of ATPs per glucose molecule, while anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATPs by glucose.
3. A higher amount of available energy improves the metabolic profile of the organisms with aerobic respiration.