The correct term to fill in the blank would be cortisol. In the context of stress hormones and the brain, cortisol has a profound effect on the hippocampus, a brain structure that plays a pivotal role in memory. Cortisol is classified as a steroid hormone which is produced by the adrenal gland. It is deemed as the stress hormone as it is released as a response to stress as part of the fight or flight process. From studies, cortisol was found to have effect on the hippocampus when present in high levels. It damage and kill the cells in that area of the brain. The hippocampus is the area of the brain that is responsible for the long term memory storage. So, when this part is damage then the storage for our memories would surely be affected.
OPTION b. "<em>The 3D shape of a protein is determined largely by the ribosome forming the protein" </em>
is NOT an accurate description of protein synthesis and folding.
<em>a. Many copies of a protein can be synthesized simultaneously from the same mRNA</em>. TRUE. As a ribosome moves along the mRNA chain synthesizing a new protein, another ribosome might follow it, synthesizing another protein from the same mRNA chain. And so on. So, at the same time, many ribosomes might be attached to the mRNA, synthesizing many copies of the protein, but at different development levels. The mRNA chain together with many ribosomes is called a <em>polyribosome</em>.
b. <em>The 3D shape of a protein is determined largely by the ribosome forming the protein</em>. FALSE. What determined the 3D structure of the protein is the amino acid sequence of that particular polypeptide. Each amino-acid has different properties (hydrophobic, hydrophilic, positively charged, negatively charged) and they interact with each other by different bonds that depend on those poperties. So the amino acids composing the proteins and their interaction, is what models the structure of the protein.
c. <em>The entire chain of amino acid exits the ribosome before it begins folding into its 3D shape</em>. TRUE. When the ribosome reaches the end codon, the elongation process has finished, and the new protein leaves the ribosome and is translocated to the RER lumen where it is going to get folded.
d. <em>The first encoded amino acid in every protein is methionine. </em>TRUE. Almost always, the first amino acid located by the tRNA is the methionine, codified by the initiation codon AUG. This amino acid is frequently eliminated at the end of the process.
Vascular plants is the phloem, (vessal) that transports food and the xylem transports water. Nomvascular plants are small with no vascular system. Which means non vascular plants do not have a phloem or a xylem.
1.It is not natural.
2.It can came up with side effects and unbalance some species.
The qualitative-quantitavtive debate can trigger an intense debate. To say that one or the other approach is better is a trivializing of a far more complex topic than a dichotomous choice. ... Qualitative data typically consists of words while quantitative data consists of numbers.