Answer:An implicit personality theory
An implicit personality theory is based on how we associate certain people with certain personalities or characteristics. For example what cahracter do you associate with political leader ? A thin slender person ? All those associated characters we make towards certain people are based on this theory. We infer certain characteristics based on our perception.
For example we may see someone who is very bold and outspoken and associate them with intelligence and infer that they are intelligent.
We see someone who who smiles a lot and infer that they are friendly individual.
We also do the same thing with occupations we see someone who goes to the gym everyday we may tend to assume they are into sport and may be surprised if we find that if they are not at the gym they sit around and of nothing.
Michael as an accountant is likely to be associated with maths and numbers and always at the office formal guy so skydiving seems to be too wild for that kind of person.
This would be said by the marxist, socialist sociological perspective. They would most likely argue that educational inequalities are there in place to reinforce the upper echelons of society so that the divison between the working class and the burgeois will always remain and be in favor of the latter.
Answer: Fundamental attribution error
Explanation: Fundamental attribution error is described as behavior used for judging other individuals on the basis of personal factors rather than evaluating on external situational components. Internal factor that is taken into account for judging others is usually their inner personality .
According to the mentioned case in question,Marilyn is judging her professor on basis of fundamental attribution error.She is not considering the good fact that strict attendance policy is required for completing the course on time because limited sessions in a week are provided to him.
Thus, the professor is behaving strict so that every student is present in class to understand the session.Marilyn is rather thinking that he has a strict personality due to personal factor.
The Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
Wernicke's area
Wernicke's area: Carl Wernicke, who was a neurologist has discovered Wernicke's area which is located on the left side of the temporal lobe in the brain. This area in the brain is responsible for language development as well as for speech comprehension. Wernicke's area helps in grasping speech and operating correct words to convey the thoughts. This area encloses the auditory cortex on the lateral sulcus in the brain.