A federal law called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) give you the right to see and get a copy of your health record. Most health insurance plans and health care providers- including doctor's office, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, labs, and nursing homes- most follow this law.
Exercising doesn't mean you have to spend hours in the gym. Exercises can be done at the comforts of your home too, and there's plenty of exercise available, especially for those who have less time to do so. Just like for example, waiting time. While you are waiting for your clothes in the washing machine to finish, you may use this time to do some basic exercises such as running in place, jumping jacks or carrying weights. It may only take a few minutes, but performing these exercises in less time is better than not doing it at all.
This is because you have had it before therefore your body knows how to get rid of it,you have also become more amuned to it.
we are able to get rid of a certain illness sickness or even pathogen faster the second time you get it due to the fact our bodies have had it before which mean they have experienced how to get rid of it
In your stomach
She is to young or she isn’t married