<h2>C- rippled</h2><h2>O- utstanding</h2><h2>M- agical</h2><h2>P- eace</h2><h2>U- npredictable</h2><h2>T- riumph</h2><h2>E - xcellent</h2><h2>R- obust</h2>
<h3><u>Acronym</u>- a word that composes of long words that start with its initial letter.</h3><h3>Example: OTG (on the go)</h3>
" is the right answer.
- Cyberspace seems to be an interactive computational environment, unconstrained by distance and perhaps other functional disabilities. William Gibson developed the word for representing a sophisticated augmented reality infrastructure in his story Neuromancer.
- The virtual space generated over the network through synchronized computing devices.
So that the above would be the correct answer.
We will use script in oracle and SQl(Structured Query Language) and use of algorithms like cipher for encryption to insert a new flight into the flights table for the flight number 165 and that Cipher will show the desired message.
By going on sites that are not secure or dowloding thigs