Once you start your 2nd paragraph giving evidence to support your claim you then do a counterargument paragraph
The Romans used gold, silver and bronze coins for trade and to pay taxes, and 2. Good cames to the Roman Republic from several regions outside of Italy.
Huizong, the artistic emperor of the Song Dynasty who founded China's first academy of painting, was known by the title of the Imperial Dreamer.
<span>Unions had strong support following WW II, but public opinion of unions have shifted. People started to believe unions benefits management and not the worker. Politicians also use anti-union rhetoric in attempts to gain votes.</span>
France and Germany
To win the recognition of the Western powers and convince them to change the unequal treaties the Japanese had been forced to sign in the 1850s, Japan changed its entire legal system, adopting a new criminal and civil code modeled after those of France and Germany.