c. Osama Bin Laden
He was the one that plotted the entire thing.
Ghana gained independence peacefully, while Kenya and Algeria had to fight violently before gaining independence.
While Kenya became independent in 1963, it was through series of violence from the Mau Mau against the British. Similarly, Algeria had to fight violently against French rule before gaining independence in 1962.
The above is in contrast to Ghana who gained independence peacefully from British rule in 1957.
Hence, The key difference between the experience of Ghana's independence and that of Kenya and Algeria is that "Ghana gained independence peacefully, while Kenya and Algeria had to fight violently before gaining independence."
He stated that he did not feel like rejoicing because the people he fought against had fought valiantly and full of pride for their cause and never faltered. He did add that although he admired their strength of belief, he did believe that the cause they chose was the worst cause in the history of mankind and that they were in the wrong.
Julius Caesar was a renowned general, politician and scholar in ancient Rome who conquered the vast region of Gaul and helped initiate the end of the Roman Republic when he became dictator of the Roman Empire. Despite his brilliant military prowess, his political skills and his popularity with Rome’s lower- and middle-class, his rule was cut short when opponents — threatened by his rising power — brutally assassinated him.
Vicksburg effects: The Battle of Vicksburg effected the Civil War because the Union got full control of the Mississippi river therefore taking over and shutting down the confederates trade, transportation, and military/fortifications.