The term IDS refers to a system that listens to network traffic to detect abnormal or suspicious activities, and thus reduce the risk of intrusion.
Its advantages are
•They are connected in network segments, so with a single IDS you can detect attacks on all computers connected to that segment
•They are independent of the mobile platform by the different teams in the network.
•These are attacks to detect attacks detected in the detection of IP attacks or denial of service attacks that can block the server.
-They can behave as if they were invisible to attackers.
Its disadvantages are
•They are ineffective in systems with encrypted traffic.
•Its operation becomes difficult in network environments detected in high-speed computers, since they usually reach Gbps speeds, preventing the IDS from analyzing all packets on time.
•If there is momentary network congestion, the IDS could start losing packets.
•Because they operate in heterogeneous environments (Windows, Linux, etc.) they may not be able to define the relevance of an attack on each platform.
The consultant's advice will reduce soil degradation and increase organic matter content in soil
In this scenario the present practice by the farmer of burning crop residue and tilling results in soil degradation and loss of organic matter.
Burning on the farm leads to loss of crop nutrients such as nitrogen and organic matter. It also causes environmental pollution of air, land, and water when carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur by-products are released to the atmosphere.
Tillage is the practice of turning the top 6 - 12 cm of soil when preparing for planting. This practice reduces water holding capacity of soil, accelerates nutrient loss, and degrades soil structure.
So if the farmer stops burning crop residue and practices zero tillage it will result in less environmental pollution, reduce soil degradation, and increase soil nutrients especially organic matter
A. Debit card
B. Loyalty card
C. Fleet card
D. Credit card
Answer: D. Credit card
Explanation: A credit card is an electronic payment system which uses cards that are linked to a bank account, this card allows you to make purchases online in order to pay later.
A credit card allows its holders to borrow money from financial institutions with the aim of not exceeding the Financial limits. Financial limits are determined by the issuers of the card based on a person's credit history and amount of minimum savings which are expected.
Based on the above scenario, the pay structure being exemplified Skill-based pay systems. Skill-based pay systems are pay structures that set pay as indicated by the workers' level of expertise or learning and what they can do. Paying For abilities bodes well at associations where changing innovation expects workers to constantly broaden and extend their insight.