Answer About this soundEnglish pronunciation Korean: 주체; lit. subject; Korean pronunciation: usually left untranslated or translated as "self-reliance" is the official ideology of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, described by the government as "Kim Il-sung's original, brilliant and revolutionary contribution to national and international thought". It postulates that "man is the master of his destiny", that the masses are to act as the "masters of the revolution and construction", and that by becoming self-reliant and strong, a nation can achieve true socialism.
Mental operations
Mental operations: The term mental operations is defined by Jean Piaget at a developmental level and by J. P. Guilford from a psychometric perspective.
According to Jean Piaget, mental operations are referred to as the operations that can affect an individual's mental contents. In other words, an individual can imagine precisely the consequence or result of any phenomenon which is happening without the requirement of happening.
An individual having mental operations doesn't think rationally about abstract phenomena.
Its base is in Dutch words, but it was affected by local, European and slave languages.
Afrikaans which is the official language people used during the apartheid era is known to have evolved during the 19th century in Southern Africa. The language is said to have its roots mainly in Dutch, then mixed with Khoekhoe, San languages and Portuguese.
Since the language is associated with white speakers, it was then concluded that it was a “white language”.
The answer is influence. Conformity and Obedience refer to
an order being done or ordered to be done, whereas obedience is the form of social
influence wherein an individual acts in response to another individual’s
request or order, in which the person takes form in a shape of an authority or
higher position than you, such as an individual’s parents. While Conformity
refer to the act being done through social pressure. An individual is being
pressured by a number of individuals or present factors that affects the decision
of an individual.
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mortality rate is a measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified interval. Morbidity and mortality measures are often the same mathematically; it's just a matter of what you choose to measure, illness or death.
I hope it will help you