primary division of the sea, which includes the whole mass of water subdivided into neritic and oceanic zones; also pertaining to the open sea (open water)
Eating junk food on a regular basis can lead to an increased risk of obesity and chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some cancers. We know Australian's eat too much junk food. 35% of adults' daily energy intake (kilojoules) comes from junk food.
Answer: This is the definition and example of Osmosis.
Explanation: Osmosis is a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a region of high concentration of solvent to a less concentration of solvent, thus making the concentrations on each side of the membrane equal.
The cell membrane is also a selectively permeable membrane which allows only certain substances to pass through it. Mostly molecules move from a side where their concentration is high to a side where their concentration is less to make the concentration equal on both sides.