Anorexia and bulimia are life-threatening conditions that should not be overlooked.
Anorexia and bulimia are both definitely life-threatening conditions. Bulimia is where somebody tries binges and then purges to try and prevent weight gain. Anorexia is where people progress through extreme weight loss. The condition is certainly life-threatening considering the person suffering usually refuses to eat or only eats a little calories. Anorexia nowadays is contemplated as 'starvation'.
Inside and behind nasal cavity
Two sources of light in a kitchen would be Ceiling or wall-mounted fixtures.
Syncope is the nurse most likely to identify when completing a history and physical assessment of a client with complete heart block. Complication of heart block may includes fainting with injury , low blood pressure , damage to other internal organs and cardiac arrest.
The most important nursing action following cardiac catheterization which assessing the groin floor bleeding and color of the leg , warmth and pulse. Normal pulse for healthy adults ranges form 60- 100 beats per minute. Pulse can fluctuate and increase with exercise , illness and emotions.
AVN block is by junctional escape rhythm with a narrow QRS complex and rate 40 to 60 beats/min. Around 20 - 50 % of patient with chronic AV block , a wide QRS escape rhythm occur.
To learn more about cardiac catheterization here