it was civil rights case... the court deemed that discrimination against race was a bad idea so they outlawed it basically
It made them drop out.
The Communists didn't like how Russia was losing WW1 so they were like, "Oh forget it! Imma head out."
The Anglo-Texans and Tejanos would OPPOSE United States expansion westward.
Clean up trash, work at charity event, really anything that betters a community that you dont get paid for doing
1. the role of a woman was at first good in a way because they were with the men out-and-about but later when “homes” were built and they werent like nomadic then women would stay in the house and prepare the food etc, overtime women had been seen as lesser and they were seen as property and nothing more than that, not allowed education just “useful for marriage” basically as time goes on it just gets worse and in america during the 80s n so even before like its still bad because the men are making decisions over abortion still have toxic views against women however now its a bit better but still work to be done ig
2. i think both mother and father are important because the child looks up to the both of them and they see how their mother or father acts and theyll “inherit” their behavior in a way obviously a child doesnt need both because a mom can be both the mother and father and same for the fathers but both influence the way the child acts idk if this helped
3. now women are maybe more “educated” on certain topics? the way the women lived their life whatever they dont like to see in the world theyll make sure their child isnt raised to end up like that
idk if any of this helped