It can be a benifet because it boosts economic diplomacy. but can hurt us because taxes will rise due to too much money printing because more people means more money, leading to food, gas and other things pricing to rise.
The Europeans brought with them diseases such as measles and smallpox against which the American tribes had no natural immunity. They spread like wildfire, killing rulers of both the Aztecs and Incas, along with millions of other people.
The South did not secede primarily because of slavery. ... But it was not the primary reason why the South seceded. The Civil War began because of an increasing push to place protective tariffs favoring Northern business interests and every Southern household paid the price
Yes it’s Virginia- they had many cash crops! They grew lots of tobacco and made tons of money!
Through nonviolent protest the civil right movement of the 1950 and 60s broke the pattern of public facilities being segregated by race in the south and achieved the most important breakthrough in equal rights legislation for African Americans since the reconstruction period 1865-77