TIFF file is not audio format file rather it is graphic container that stores raster images.
Gain can add all other audio files (MIDI, MP3, Windows media audio file) to his presentation.
What are MIDI, MP3 and WMA :
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a protocol that is designed for recording and playback music on digital synthesizers that is supported by many computer sound cards. Gian can add MIDI audio format file in his presentation.
This audio file format technology compress a sound technology into very small file while preserving the original quality of sound when it is played. Gian can add this audio format in presentation to play audio in presentation.
This audio format is developed by Microsoft. It contains a series of audio codecs and their corresponding audio formats.
Gian can add WMA extension audio file to his presentation to play audio.
Following are the program to this question:
#include <iostream>//defining header file
using namespace std;
void squareOfAsterisks(int x) //defining method squareOfAsterisks
int i,j; //defining integer variable
for(i=1;i<=x;i++) //defining loop to print column value
for(j=1;j<=x;j++) //defining loop to print row value
cout<<"*"; //print value
cout<<endl; //for line break
int main() //defining main method
int x; //defining integer variable
cout<<"Enter any number: "; //print message
cin>>x; //input value from user
squareOfAsterisks(x); //calling the method and pass the value
return 0;
Enter any number: 4
The description of the above program can be given as follows:
- In the given program a method "squareOfAsterisks" is declared, that accepts an integer value "x" in its arguments, inside the method two integer variable I, j is used, that uses a to print the given pattern.
- In the main method, an integer variable x is declared, which takes input from the user end, and then calls the method, that is "squareOfAsterisks" and passes its value.
The formula to enter in E14 is as follows:
Formula to calculate the number of days between E10 and D14
The syntax to do this is:
So, we have:
The question requires a mix of relative and mixed references because cell E10 will be constant in calculating the difference for dates in other cells.
In other words, the initial date is constant for all
So, the update formula is:
Notice the $ between in E10; this represents mixed referencing
When dragged to E15 till E68, the formulas in the respective cells will be:
=DAYS(D15,$E$10) .............................. =DAYS(D68,$E$10)
Mixed Reality expand on Augmented Reality option d: by enabling real-time interaction between real and virtual objects.
<h3>How does mixed reality expand on augmented reality?</h3>
Mixed reality is known to be one that is made up of both augmented reality and that of augmented virtuality.
Note that Mixed reality is one that acts so as to make an environment with interactive kinds of digital objects. Augmented reality needs a screen to be able to experience the augmented experience. Mixed reality is said to be experienced via the a headset.
Hence, Mixed Reality expand on Augmented Reality option d: by enabling real-time interaction between real and virtual objects.
Learn more about Augmented Reality from