change how big or small the shape or sprite is
HTML5 has fewer plug-ins like the ability to standardize how audio and video are presented on a Web page. It introduces the <video> element designed to remove the need to install 3rd party add-ons and plug-ins like adobe flash player. It also adds the <audio> element too that allows pages to smoothly add audio files.
The first argument listed after IF
When the two variables are listed next to each other, Excel will find and calculate the correlation between them.
No, not that one. Try again.
string comparison is case sensitive.
Worksheet ranges is a group of cells, and a value range like 25 to 340. It is used for data modeling. Like you can use it in the vlookup, Hlookup and Xlookup for looking up a column cell value in the mentioned worksheet range. Different worksheet's ranges of cells can also be used, and in any number from throughout the workbook, and that makes the analysis quite easy. Through work sheet ranges we get the control over all the cells as well as cells group. Whatever analysis we do, we do on the list of cells. And through the worksheet ranges we get the control over the cells. And thus, this is extremely useful definitely.
Like one worksheet range can be from top left corner to the bottom right corner. And this assigns whole worksheet as the worksheet range.
Its used in almost all the Excel formulas, and you must know it.
An example is:
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(2, "B"), Cells(35, "B")).select
This selects the Range B2:B35 from Sheet 2.