This saying encourages people to be strong and resilient.
The saying is a word game that refers to the fact that people get stronger when difficult situations arise. As was said in the question the saying is referring to the feeling of resilience, because it says that when things get tough people must harden, get stronger to face these things. In short, the saying urges people to be strong, resilient and not to give up without a good fight.
Features of the modern labor system resulting from union action include no work on weekends, 8 hour workday, enforced work safety regulations, paid vacation/sick days, national holidays off, overtime pay, and the minimum wage.
The national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP) was the union that was opened to African-Americans.
c. difficult
According to Thomas and Chess, there are three types of temperament in child i.e. slow-to-warm-up, easy and, difficult.
The slow to warm up child is quite negative, exhibits a low potency of mood, and shows low adjust-ability.
The easy child adjust easily to new experiences, normally have a positive mood, easily begin regular routines in infancy.
The difficult child cry very often and react negatively, as well as slow in adjusting to new experiences
Hey You!
Internal conflict between work groups and teams is known as intergroup conflict.