Because, like America, England, and some other countries, China did not like what Germany was doing. they were forcing christianity on people, on jewish men and women, and they didnt like that so they rebeled, and when that happened, they started bombing places making camps to "enslave" in a way, the Jews because they did not accept there religion. in a way, they were the bullies, and America, China, England, and France, did not like that, so they declared war to protect the innocents.
Pakistan lost its eastern wing on December 16, 1971, but the seeds of discord were sown much earlier. It’s not possible to pinpoint what led to the dismemberment of Pakistan and why the Bengalis who played a pivotal role in Pakistan Movement opted for a separatist path, but there were some significant developments such as the postponement of the inaugural session, on March 3, of the National Assembly after the December 7, 1970 elections that led to the splitting of a country in 1971.
Following the postponement of this inaugural session of National Assembly till the launching of ‘Operation Search Light’ on March 25 to crush the civil disobedience movement launched by the majority party Awami League (162 out of 300 seats of National Assembly in December 1970 elections), East Pakistan existed as a part of Pakistan. Events taking place after the military operation, however, diminished the hopes to save Jinnah’s Pakistan from dismemberment.
Around 47 years have passed since a chain of events unfolding in March 1971 deepened the wedge and hostility between the two wings of Pakistan leading to their violent break-up. How the unilateral postponement of the National Assembly session acted as a catalyst to accelerate the disintegration of Pakistan, and was there a thought process at the national level to visualise the grave consequences, remain unanswered questions.
Rush was one of the first signers of the declaration of jndependence
C. Aryans
The Aryans had introduced South Asia to a system of castes with the intention of controlling the local population.
One main reason why John C Breckenridge supported the purchase of the Louisiana territory was because he thought it would held end the issue of slavery, by leaving it up to "popular sovereignty" in the new territory.