A. 12; Least common denominator is the least multiple that the denominator have together. So you multiply the denominators until you get the first number they both have in common.
6*1 = 6
6*2 =12
4*1 =4
4*2 =8
4*3 = 12
Since the first number they both have in common is 12, the least common denominator is 12
Common stockholders would receive $800.
(100 shares x $100) 10,000 x 6% = $600 - this is the amount paid to preferred stockholders per year.
Since Custer.com also paid the dividend in arrear last year, $600 x 2yrs = $1,200 is the total amount paid to preferred stockholders this year.
Cash dividends - $2,000
Preferred sh <u>($1,200)
</u>Common sh $ 800<u>
Step-by-step explanation:
Take paranthesis away.
subtract 3.2 from 5.6
Hope it helps1
Answer: it is 5 times bigger
Step-by-step explanation: