This can be a tricky question because this could be true or false depending how the Web Server is setup. For instance, with the Apache web server you do not need an index.html file as long as you have a index.htm file or an index.php file. So the answer could be false if you have one of the other files. Anyways, I think they mean an index file in general so the answer is true.
Push notification services.
Push notification services can be used to deliver important messages on mobile devices in an efficient and timely manner. The different mobile platforms such as android, iOS have their services which makes it easy for Jabez to send the messages to users with a specific brand and type of mobile device. The messages will pop up on the mobile device of the user, whether the app or the website associated with notifications is running or not.
Many computer users, especially beginners, find
Command Line Interfaces difficult to use.
The word Command Line will come in the blank. Other names for Command line interface (CLI)
are console user interface and character user interface (CUI). It is a user
interface to a computers operating system.