Q9. The metric system is an internationally adopted decimal system of measurement. It is widely used in the world and is the only or most common system of weights and measures. It is now known as the International System of Units (SI). It is used to measure everyday things such as a sack of flour, the height of a person, a tank of petrol, and the speed of a car. On the other hand, the United States customary units are a system of measurements commonly used in the United States. So, for the measurement above we have:
Distance from Los Angeles:
Given that the problem does not tell us the specific point for the distance from Los Angeles. We will assume that this point is New York, so:
*Metric: The unit for length is the meter.
d = 4488460 (m)
*U.S customary: For measuring length, the U.S. customary system uses the inch, foot, yard, and mile, so:
d = 176711023 (in)
d = 14725918 (ft)
d = 4908639 (yd)
d = 2789 (mi)
The temperature on a hot day:
*Metric: Degree Celsius is a unit of thermodynamic temperature. So, on a hot day the temperature is:
T = 35°
*U.S customary: Degrees Fahrenheit is used in the U.S. to measure temperatures, so:
T = 95°
The weight of a loaf of bread:
*Metric: The unit used for mass is the kilogram. For a mass of 0.095 (kg), the weight that is a force (Newton is the unit for measuring weight) is given by:
w = 0.931 (N)
*U.S customary: Ounces is a unit of weight for this system, so:
w = 1 ounce
Length of a pencil:
d = 0.095(m)
*U.S customary:
d = 3.74 (in)
d = 0.311(ft)
d = 0.10 (yd)
d = 5.90 (mi)
The capacity of a container: The capacity of an element is equal to the volume that is the quantity of three-dimensional space enclosed by a closed surface, so the capacity of a container very used these days is:

*U.S customary: The cubic inch, cubic foot and cubic yard are commonly used for measuring volume. So:

Q10. We can explain this concept using an example for Small Businesses. The concept of Frustrated Users (Employees) is an example of a technological problem. Interacting with technology is a huge part of the employees’ day. Using slow, outdated systems with frequent problems makes it much more difficult for them to be happy and productive. How would it impact a business if the company enabled the employees to get just 5 percent more accomplished every day? the answer is simply by keeping the technology up to date. So, the problem exposed above allows the company to find new ways and opportunities to make the job easier. The company would need to establish a training plan for the employees. Maybe establishing a diploma course that allows them to learn and know better the new technologies.</span>