Yea but it’s only a 99% chance you won’t
Well obviously this depends on your stance, however here is a vegan stance on things:
After watching not only videos of production of meat, but also production of dairy and eggs, I felt that I could not *morally* support the livestock industry and it's rampant animal abuse.
In the past I felt like it was just the circle of life, and that we as humans needed these to survive, and that it was just morally fine, and that these animals were living a healthy life, they just happened to die to feed others. (if that makes sense) However, after watching multiple videos that show the inside of the animal / meat industry, I realized that the meat industry really was corrupt and something that wasn't something to be praised or just *accepted*.
Not only is it full of animal abuse, it's also very dangerous to the Earth. Just a simple go og le search can show this.
Sound pollution from the machines and the animals.
Air / water / ground pollution from the machines and the animals.
Don't want this to be too long-
If you need more help lmk-
Hope this helps(: