Go to the Sign in page, which you can access by selecting "Sign In / Register" in the top right corner of our homepage.
Select "Create Account," then enter your e-mail address, a password, and — if you're a member — the number found on your membership card. If you happen to have a Costco Anywhere Visa® Card by Citi, just look for your membership number on the back of the card, directly to the right of your picture.
Once you select the "Create Account" button, your account will be created.
Please keep in mind that being an active Costco member does not automatically register you on Your membership number is not linked to your account until you add it, either when you register or you update your account details under "My Account."
b. horizontal communication
The communication is the process of passing the information from the sender to the receiver which involves the encoding, decoding, feedback, etc
The horizontal communication is the communication which communicate with the same level of the management i.e means passing the information within the organization of the same role and responsibilities
so according to the given scenario, the major short coming is of horizontal communication as they do not recognize the role of different level of management or different role and responsibilities
email: if it isnt in a serious situation or if nothing needs to be confronted to whoever.
face to face is a situation thatmight be serouse or would just have a hard time explaining in email.
ex. email: when you need to send work through the internet.
ex. face to face: needing to talk personally to someone.
A private contractor becouse it is important