As prosperity and economic development rise, individualism increases as well.
Individualism refers to the freedom of someones actions. If the economy is doing well and someone has more money, they are more likely to spend their money freely. The person has moral worth as an individual.
a) Portfolio ABC's expected return is 10.66667%
The expected return is based on the risk factor of a project. If a project has higher risk its rate of return will be higher. Portfolio ABC has one third of its funds invested in each stock. The return of on A and B are 20% and 10%. Their beta is 1.0 for both the stocks while stock C has beta 1.4. The portfolio expected return will be 10.66667%.
1. It is ethical for her to list her job duties in great detail as she ahs still done the job in question.
2. It is unethical to embellish her job responsibilities as she includes responsibilities in her job that she has not done and has therefore lied to the job she is applying for.
3. Problems she may face is being fired for lying, made to do work that is not in her capabilities and can potentially damage the work assigned and job in general, as well as trouble by her colleagues and boss
4. She can include attributes that make her a promising individual. For example she states she can "learn on the fly" and thus can write in her resume that she is a quick learner and can adapt easily to her surroundings.
Cloud computing services are paid for based on consumption. The business model is analogous to the utility, the rental car, or the hotel industries, where users don’t own any of the infrastructure (power/cars/rooms) and pay only for the services they consume on a monthly basis. Similar to the examples mentioned, cloud computing resources are available on-demand. That’s my three sentence synopsis of the business concept behind cloud computing, but I also see it as a technical change in the way IT resources are delivered and consumed.
Hope this helps!