The most important factor is considering the tuition. A lot of students experience problems regarding expensive student loans and gradually being in debt after school. To prevent this, keep you pool within your financial capability. Then, the basic information comes next, like the courses offered and the quality of education and training.
A) A test with a high cost may also be of high value.
A test's cost add up to the time spent in preparing that test. S much time might have really been spent on it like researching, sitting, time spent, revaluation of the test, as well as other contributions made for the execution of that test. The value of the test can be evaluated to the resources spent for the test. When a test has a high cost, it may also have a high value depending on some variables relating to both the cost of the test as well as its value. Also, every individual's primary objective is usually cost minimization and profit maximization in every thing he does irrespective of type or structure.
a. The computation is shown below:
As we know that
Multiplier = 1 ÷ 1 - MPC
1.5 = 1 ÷ 1 - MPC
So, MPC is 0.3333
Now the real GDP is
= Multiplier × Government spending
= 0.3333 × $70 billion
= $105 million
So the change in real GDP is
= $105 million - $70 million
= $35 million
b. The computation is shown below:
As we know that
Multiplier = 1 ÷ 1 - MPC
Multiplier = 1 ÷ 1 - 0.6
So, multiplier is 2.5
Now the real GDP is
= Multiplier × Government spending
= 2.5 × $16 billion
= -$40 million
c. As we know that
Real GDP = Multiplier × Government spending
$280 billion = Multiplier × $70 billion
So, the multiplier is 4
Now the MPC is
Multiplier = 1 ÷ 1 - MPC
4 = 1 ÷ 1 - MPC
So, the multiplier is 0.75
he answer is : He likely did not cite his research, and committed plagiarism. Todd's manager has asked him to write a report on ways to increase safety in the warehouse. Todd used the Internet to research statistics and recommendations for improving safety in the workplace. He feels like he pulled together a really strong document and that his manager will be pleased. However, when he is called into his manager's office, his manager is concerned and tells him that he has been unethical in his work. He likely did not cite his research, and committed plagiarism. It is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
To limit the potential for war and other armed conflict, efforts by international bodies must be increased, particularly at United Nations well-known organization.
Many conflicts since the 1990s have been resolved either through UN mediation or through the action of third parties acting with UN support. Examples from the recent past include Nepal, Liberia, Burundi, the Sudan's north-south conflict, and Sierra Leone. A 40% decrease in conflict worldwide since the 1990s is attributed to UN peacemaking, peacekeeping, and conflict prevention activities, according to research. Many potential conflicts have been avoided through preventive action taken by the UN and other organizations. On the ground, 11 UN peace missions deal with post-conflict situations and implement peacebuilding strategies.
In about 30 nations or territories, the UN provides assistance in demining, including in Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, and the Sudan. Thousands of civilians are killed or injured each year by landmines. The UN also promotes full international participation in treaties relating to landmines and provides instruction on how to avoid danger, aids victims in becoming self-sufficient, and helps nations destroy stockpiled landmines.
Learn more about United Nation (UN), here