These actions are not considered an extrinsically motivated action :
- Meditating to feel good
- exercising to feel healthy and strong
Extrinsically motivated actions are the actions that we do for the reward from outside ourselves (such as praises, bonus, acknowledgement, etc). Those two acts above are being done for our personal reward.
The group's performance is likely to be low because the group fails to change dysfunctional norms, when there is high conformity and low deviance in a group.
High-status deviance has such actions as making fewer contributions to task performance or exercising less influence in the group's discussion.
The man will forget how to build a fire
The Bering Strait Land Bridge is a good example of this. During the Ice Age, humans from Asia migrated to what now is called North America in order to thrive in new lands, with new farming style.
1. Economy 2. Trade 3. Military
Example; China
In Communist Russia they have a Command Economy, they control Trade Routes, and they control the Military fully.