The Enlightenment thinker Baron de Montesquieu came up with the idea of 'Separation of Powers' in order to make sure that one person does not hold a lot of power.
The theory of ''Separation of Powers'' was poplar among the founding fathers of the United States and became a part of the US constitution and many other constitutions around the world.
As a child growing up, he had heard about the Glorious revolution take place in Great Britain and at home saw how after the death of Louis XIV, the Kingship was given to a 5 year old.
These events had a tremendous impact on his life and his political views.
In the 13 British colonies of North America, he was seen as a strong political thinker and his theories had a profound impact on the early US presidents.
Christians and Jews established co-ordial relationship after a long period of time and before that they used to pay protection tax for safety, employment and other facilities.
The non-Muslim groups comprising of Christians and Jews were meant to pay a special tax known as jizya which was meant to protect them. However, these groups were integrated into the societies and were offered equal employment in administrative, cultural, and scientific institutions. Later, they established relationship with caliphate and then negotiated for changes in policies that ensure more religious freedom to them. With further strengthening of relationship, churches and monasteries were constructed and repaired.
The cake is the direct object
From feb 4 to feb 11 1945