Correct answer choice is :
<h2>C) Special interests represented</h2><h2 /><h3>Explanation:</h3><h3 />
The NRA was established in 1871, it did not attempt a gun rights agenda until 1934. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP, established in 1909) introduced as civil rights organizations according to other references. The modern NRA proceeds to practice firearm safety and competency. The organization also issues various magazines and sponsors ambitious marksmanship results.
Basically, Texas has had underwater areas for as long as it has existed. When it was discovered that there were oil deposits there, the federal government wanted to take it away from Texas who was a recognize owner of the land. It was a case where the state and the federation had to fight in the supreme court. Politics changed because Texas started hating on anyone who tried to take it away so they switched their presidential support based on this.
A movement for more democracy in American government in the 1830s.
There are four broad ranks of the caste system in the Indo-Aryan culture, which included Brahmins which includes priests and scholars, Kshatriyas which is kings, governors and warriors, Vaishyas (cattle herders, agriculturists, artisans, and merchants), and Shudras (laborers and service providers).
B. Johnson. Andrew Johnson wasn't even the vice president Lincoln wanted, but he helped him win the second election.