There are several reasons why it might be a good idea to write down your ideas and discoveries when you perform initial research on a topic. First, when you begin your research, you might get a lot of questions and doubts because you are not familiar with the topic. If you write these down, you are more likely to seek answers to these questions later on and gain a better understanding of them. Second, your initial ideas might not be all good, but they might lead you towards a good thesis. Writing them down ensures that these are not lost. Finally, by writing down your ideas and thoughts you actively engage with the subject, leading you to a better understanding of it.
plz make me brainliest
Organisms that obtain energy by eating other organisms are called consumers. They are organisms like animals and fungi.
When population don't change very much over time, the ecosystem is in equilibrium.
Answer:When present en masse, it is possible to see pollen on surfaces of objects such as cars, patio tables, sidewalks, etc. Pollen on CarHowever, it is rare to actually see pollen when it is present in the air because the number of grains in a given volume of air is too low to be seen with the unaided eye.