Under the Constitution, each state has two senators. However, the number of representatives a state has depends on the population of the state. Every state must have at least one representative though. Law now sets the total number of representatives at 435.
According to
Education become compulsory in the United States of America in 1880. An Act was passed in 1880 which make it compulsory for parents to send their children to school until they are ten years of age. The right to education was extended to the blind and the deaf children in 1893.
(C.) Trans-Saharan trade routes were primarily land based; the Silk Road was both land and sea based
European nations began repaying their debts to the U.S. High tariffs discouraged international trade. Lowered income taxes spurred consumer spending.
The song "The East is Red" is a Chinese song that became well-known during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. During this time period, it was considered to be the de facto national anthem of the country.
The main reason why the Communist Party wanted to popularize this song was to increase legitimacy and support for their cause. The lyrics celebrate Mao Zedong, and create an image of him that is idealistic and heroic. This allowed him to develop a personality cult around his person.