Hi, could you elaborate on the question?
The word that is an example of Schlosser's use of transitions in Fast Food Nation is "however".
The word "however" can be used as a transition word like many others when this is collocated between two simple sentences to create a compound one, generating precisely the effect of transition. In this sentence from "Fast Food Nation", "however" connects "Salmonella has been almost entirely eliminated from Swedish and Dutch eggs" and "...more than half a million people become ill after eating eggs...", here however is used as a transition word that also expresses contrast.
Jason Blake is anything but typical. He tells his story in his own language, that of an autistic twelve-year-old boy. He is intelligent and sensitive, with many special gifts, and he is different. We learn of his sensitivity and “differentness” as he writes about his life and describes his world.
General Burnside
The refusal to pursue the enemy at the close of the Antietam battle and for weeks afterwards, was the last straw for Lincoln, and he removed McClellan from power. Ultimately, McClellan was replaced by General Burnside as the new commander of the Army of the Potomac.