Water is so so bad for you even though everyone says its the best thing for your body there wrong!!!!!!! never drink water.... take it from me. if someone tells you that 70% of your body is water there calling you un healthy and fat.
1. This rises the situation of limitation on scope so Disclaimer of opinion.
2. MATERIAL but not pervasive so Qualified opinion as no capitalization of lease payment is departure from GAAP.
3.considering loss as material but not pervasive. Auditor should add an emphasis of matter paragraph to underscore this issue.
4. Scope limitation - QUALIFIED REPORT.
5. The auditor doesn't have to express an opinion but have to indicate whether this supplimentary info. Is fairly stated in all aspects.
6. Modify the report to show the division of responsibility with component auditor.
7.It affects consistency of financial statements. Supplement emphaiem of matter para. With the unmodified report.
8. The auditor should add an emphasis of matter para for better understanding of users. issue the standard unmodified report.