The correct answer to the question: If neither you nor your spouse has either albinism or cystic fibrosis, what are the odds that your first child will have both albinism and cystic fibrosis, would be: 1 in 16.
The topic of genetics, and especially ineritance of traits, whether from parents, or grandparents, or anyone directly linked to your line, is a pretty complex one and it depends entirely on two factors: chromosomal dominance and recessiveness, and the probability combinations that arise from crossing these. Essentially, in this case, both you and your partner have directly inherited the genes for both albinism and CF, but these have not been dominant in you, but recessive, for both conditions. The odds of a child of yours receiving and actually displaying the traits for both albinism and CF will depend entirely on the crossing of genetical material, dominant and recessive chromosomes from both you and your partner. Even though albinism and CF are recessive traits, they can become the feature that will be displayed on your child by combination and probability. This probability in this case gives 1/16.
The correct answers are:
- Use controls to prevent injury
- Provide PPE
- Provide free medical evaluations if an injury occurs
According to <em>OSHA</em> <em>(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)</em> the following measures have to be taken by employers in order to protect their employees from blood-borne pathogens (BBPs)
- <u>Use controls to prevent injury</u> - employer has to develop and a written Exposure Control Plan and make sure it is followed through and updated every year.
- <u>Provide PPE (personal protective equipment)</u>, such as rubber gloves and other equipment (depending on industry)
- <u>Provide free medical evaluations if an injury occurs</u>, because infection itself can be prevented during the first hours after contact with blood-borne pathogens occurs.
These words were captured from the writing "The Rhythm of Life" and it was written by Matthew Kelly. What was being highlighted is that person standard can be affected and defined by the people who surrounds them. People cannot be completed and fulfilled of being alone.
Georgia gained new lands, new water access for shipping, ample farmland, and rich forests for timber and naval stores.
Answer: Option C change
Explanation: stress associated with change can be positive, negative or even physiological. Leaving a place you have known all your life to a new place you barely know tends to have some physiological damage to children then adult. Mostly children tends to withdraw, inability to make friends,and also this affect their academic performance. Best way to deal with this type of change is to be relaxed, stay positive, learn about your environment, do what you love doing the most, engage yourelf in your hobbies and reduce your intake of food rich in caffeine as times goes on,. Karen will learn to blend into the society and make new friends.