One really simple way to find an equivalent fraction is just to multiply the numerator and denominator.
For example, for the first answer, , I simply multiplied the numerator and denominator each by 2. This gives you an equivalent fraction.
You can then continue with this process using numbers such as 3, 4, 5, and 6 as your multiplication factor.
To solve an equation for one variable, we will utilize PEMDAS ( parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division, add/subtract) but backwards. So we will first add/subtract any numbers to the other side to get the variable by itself. We will then divide/multiply any numbers to get the variable by itself.
What are the number lines though?
Give more info.
Step-by-step explanation:
2 4/10=24/10
8 4/5=44/5
I don't understand. What are the values given? Are they values of an x,y plot?
If you plot them they are a straight line with y =6x - 2.9 but I don't know what you mean by when x=3 and y = 4?