Creo que es A si no es porfavor dime.
Hourly rate:
39(1.3r) = 541.80
(hours times hourly rate equals profit)
then solve
1.3r = 13.89
r = 10.69
the hourly rate is $10.69
to answer the bottom question, 390 + 117 = 507, but that’s not close to 541.80 so I have no idea what they’re asking there
Fractions need common denominator to add or subtract them because without denominators a fraction is not a fraction, it is a whole number
Example - 2/8 is a fraction
but 2 is not a fraction
The trigonometric equation (sin Θ − cos Θ)^2 − (sin Θ + cos Θ)^3 can be simplified by:Using x for Θ: (sinx - cosx)^2 - (sinx + cosx)^2 = (sin^2 x - 2sinxcosx + cos^2 x) - (sin^2 x + 2sinxcosx + cos^2 x) = - 2 sinx cosx - 2 sinx cosx = - 4 sinx cosx = - 2sin(2x)
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