Hi! So what exactly do you need help with? If you want the whole thing helped with/done, nobody's going to do that whole thing for a measly five points... I suggest reposting it with a higher point prize.
ocean productivity largely refers to the production of organic matter by "phytoplankton"plants suspended in the ocean most which are single - celled
Currently the biogenic theory is the leading explanation for the formation of fossil fuels and it’s believed that the petroleum we most commonly use took anywhere from 1 million to 1 billion years to form and represents a wide spectrum of useful petroleum and natural gas products including methane, propane, butane, hexane, octane and others
Grams would be the correct answer hope this helps!
A control group of the experiment is the one in which no treatment or intervention is given. So, in your case, the pea plants in which was not subjected any of the fertilizers, will serve as a control group. This is a negative control. A positive control group is the one in which an established treatment is given, which definitely leads to the production of the desired character. So, in your case, a very good well-known fertilizer which has a positive control on the growth of the pea plant, would serve as a positive control.