En estadística, has encontrado los términos, la observación y la inferencia, varias veces. La observación significa un acto de monitoreo, algo, es decir, objetos, unidades, personas o cualquier otra cosa, mediante el uso de los sentidos. En este proceso, el observador se queda en el lugar de la encuesta y observa los objetos bajo consideración y anota las observaciones por sí mismo.
A la inversa, la Inferencia se refiere a la conclusión que se basa en los hechos y la evidencia disponible, es decir, se hacen deducciones según la investigación realizada.
Los dos términos están tan estrechamente entrelazados que para un profano estos dos términos son sinónimos, pero la verdad es que estas dos palabras son diferentes. Entonces, si estás buscando las diferencias entre observación e inferencia, estás en el lugar correcto.
1.we should not cut trees as this can effect the food chain of animals.
2.we should water the plants everyday
3.we should atleast plant a baby plant every day.
4.we should not kill any animal.
5.we should decrease the use of plastics.
6.we should keep our area pollution free.
7.we should use natural pesticide to a plant
They’re perfect for growing all kinds of greens like lettuce, spinach, peppers, tomatoes, flowering crops in the vegetative stage and many others.
The first famous natural scientist to determine how plants change with altitude on tall mountains was Alexander Von Humboldt and Aime Bonpland when climbing some very high volcanoes in South America like Chimborazo at well ove 20,000 feet high and they observed that different plants grow at different altitudes as altitude increases so that as the mountain was ascended the new environments of temperature, moisture,etc would become abiotic for the lower plants but acceptable for the higher elevation plants. In these cases in South America, the lower elevations had very warm temperatures and high humidity so would grow tropical plants with probably large leaves like palm trees etc. On the other hand at high elevations the temperature would be significantly decreased and probably humidity decreased too so only rugged plants like say lichens could grow. At intermediate elevations, most likely say pine trees could grow as I know they do at moderate elevations in Honduras for example.
a theory should provide the simplest possible (viable) explanation for a phenomenon. and thereby your answer is C