El RV promedio en hombres es 1.2 L y para las mujeres es 1.1 L.
Multiple research has been conducted with regards to this point of view, but the common conclusion is that it depends more on the platform. People tend to be more dishonest when not comfortable and when given the chance live off their fantasy even for short while online. We all do agree that an example is the social media where in order to get attention we only share positive things. You might want to check speaker Simon Sinek and see rich views and in depth understanding of how technology has changed us.
Well when you think about it they both do the same thing but they are diffirent, they have the same perpose but diffirent parts in them so, when you compair them the phone is smaller and slower, the bigger the computer the better it is depending on the amount of money spent on parts.
Correctness is key. The other ones are optimizations at most. Although I would always include humor... ;-)