The best way to classify two different organisms that have similar appearance and are found in the same environment is to use gel-electrophoresis to compare DNA patterns.
When organism possesses the same physical characteristics and are found in the same environment the genetic test must be varried out to ascertain their differences such as DNA test using electrophoresis to compare such
Yes! a region of the body with greater sensory acuity to have cutaneous receptors with large receptive fields, or small receptive fields.
The sensory receptor located in the skin is known as a cutaneous receptor ( the dermis or epidermis). The somatosensory system includes them. Mechanoreceptors (pressure or distortion), nociceptors (pain), and thermoreceptors are cutaneous receptors (temperature). The lowest spatial resolution is found in the thigh and calf area, whereas the fingertips have the highest spatial resolution (and the smallest receptive fields) (and largest receptive fields). Two-point discrimination threshold measurements can be used to assess the spatial resolution in response to light touch stimuli.
learn more about thermoreceptors
Homeostasis is maintained by the respiratory system in two ways: gas exchange and regulation of blood pH. Gas exchange is performed by the lungs by eliminating carbon dioxide, a waste product given off by cellular respiration.
A. a developing nation
Age pyramids are the age structure diagrams that represent the number and proportion of people at each age in a population. The base of the age pyramids represents the population in pre-reproductive age which is from 0 to 10 years. The overall shape of an age pyramid indicates if the population is increasing, stationary, or shrinking.
The age structure diagram for a developing nation has a broad base that tapers quickly towards the top. This means that a larger percentage of the population is in the pre-reproductive age group and reproductive age group with a smaller percentage of the population in the post-reproductive age. These countries have a great chance of future population growth.
The S phase
cell replicates the chromosomes by taking one chromatid and effectively doubling it