There are two fundamentally different types of experimental error. Statistical errors are random in nature: repeated measurements will differ from each other and from the true value by amounts which are not individually predictable, although the average behavior over many repetitions can be predicted.
Penyalahgunaan satelit oleh para teroris seperti melacak kondisi tempat mereka akan melakukan kejahatan. Melalui media internet, pelaku teroris dapat berkomunikasi dengan sesama teroris maupun untuk mencari pengikut.
The geographic location of New Orleans made it, along with Savannah, an ideal center of the slave trade in the United States.
New Orleans sits on the Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, ships carrying slaves could go from anywhere in the world and have access to the river systems of middle America where slaves were being used.
The inability to predict in an accurate ways based on a deep and deterministic explanation for somebody's behaviour, and failing to explain individual and particular for every very single person.
Human behavior and motivation, are complex and often involve using a theory while disregarding another one less accurate.
In psychology, there are bodies of thought (for example psychodynamic approach) and often when psychology is applied to human behavior it contrasts with the results that were produced in lab conditions with animals. Thus unable to make clear predictions.
The psychology is based on questionable assumptions, that skeptics often attack. Most of the methodology uses a qualitative approach that contrasts to the quantitive method used by hard science like Physics or Chemistry.
We can then think of psychology as a field that gives some insight to our species but still, cannot evaluate the individual mind since everyone still will show certain actions and behaviors that are very particular to that person.