Merit-based aid goes to students based on their academic and/or extracurricular achievements rather than their financial need. Scholarships are the most common type of merit-based aid. Students may receive scholarships from nonprofit organizations, private businesses, and colleges and universities.
The correct answer is C. Both a constitutional republic and the British Monarchy have its own legislative body, which is the branch of the State responsible of making laws.
The constitutional republics have a legislative body in order to keep the separation of powers within the state, which guarantees the full existance of democracy.
The British Parliament was created to restrict King's powers. In this way, the Monarchy ceased to be absolute and started to be under parliamentary control from society.
The great depression, poverty and unemployment was on the rise, the stock market crash. Hitler’s takeover of the German government in 1933 forced many “expatriates” not only to return to the United States but to become politically engaged in their home country.
- Due Process Clause - All citizens will be subject to the same set of legal Procedures
The Due Process Clause is included in both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments as a way to ensure that Government does not infringe on the rights of citizens to life, liberty, or property. The United States Supreme Court interpreted this to mean amongst other things, that this clause provides the right to <em>procedural due process</em> in both civil and criminal cases for all American citizens.
- Citizenship Clause - All residents born in the United States or Naturalized are citizens.
This is a clause in the Fourteenth Amendment that states that "<em>[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.</em>" thereby making anyone born in the US a citizen by law.
- Enforcement clause - Congress has the Authority to make laws to apply this amendment.
Some Amendments give Congress the right to enforce the provisions in them. For instance, Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment gives Congress the power to enforce it by making laws.
- Equal protection clause - The laws apply to all citizens in the same way.
The Equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment requires that States do not in any way, discriminate against anyone in the enforcement of its laws but rather ensure that everyone under their jurisdiction gets the same protection under their laws.
The leader of the infamous Tammany Hall political machine in New York City who was accused and convicted of stealing millions of dollars from the New York state treasury was William Tweed.
William Tweed was an American politician. He led the Democratic party machine in New York City in the 19th century, named Tammany Hall, and was eventually convicted of corruption and misappropriation of government funds.
William Tweed began his political career in the New York City Administration and served as a delegate in the House of Representatives from 1853 to 1855. After this he held, among other things, a seat in the Senate of the state of New York as well as other positions in the state and city administration of New York. During this period he gained a lot of power for himself and his close associates. The clique around Tweed became known as the Tweed Ring and it operated from the New York City Democratic Party headquarters, Tammany Hall.
Tweed and his henchmen committed about $ 30 million to $ 200 million dollars in fraud. Only after a series of articles in the New York Times in 1871 these practices came to an end. Tweed was charged and in 1873 he was initially sentenced to 12 years in prison. After serving for one year, he was released but was immediately arrested again. Civil proceedings followed, but on December 4, 1875, Tweed managed to escape. He was finally arrested in Spain by the authorities there and extradited to the US where he would remain in prison until his death two years later.