There are two fundamentally different types of experimental error. Statistical errors are random in nature: repeated measurements will differ from each other and from the true value by amounts which are not individually predictable, although the average behavior over many repetitions can be predicted.
The twiching that is caused by the air puff is called C) The unconditioned response.
The condition stimulus in this case is the tone sound, because is put there to condition a unconditiones response. An uncondition response which is a normal response or reflex that an animal or a person have to a stimulus. To condition a behafor it is necessary to have both unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus.
Luther's ideas about interpreting the Bible differ from Catholic ideas because he thought that everyone should be able to read and interpret the Bible. This belief went against the teachings of the Catholic Church, in which only clergy could interpret the Bible.
It was Thomas Hooked but replace the d with an r
At the out burst of the War in 1861, hundreds of Irish and Irish Americans enlisted in the Union Army. Some joined ordinary regiments, but others created three all Irish voluntary infantries: the 63rd New York Infantry Regiment, arranged on Staten Island