Shakespeare uses this play to show how appearance and reality are not always the same thing. At the beginning we see the apparent enemies, Benedick and Beatrice, engaging in witty banter that verges sometimes on the cruel. However, they are tricked into acknowledging their real feelings of love for one another.
Other examples of this theme can be seen in the masked ball, where mistaken identity is the cause of confusion and upset for both Claudio and Benedick. In the gulling scene, Benedick appears to hear his friends talk about Beatrice's love for him, but in reality the audience knows they are playing a trick.
In darker examples of the theme, Don John fools Claudio into believing his wife-to-be is untrustworthy by apparently showing him a scene of unfaithfulness. When Hero is accused, Leonato makes it appear that his daughter is dead.
1. Farmers markets ⇒ Local Food Movements
Local food movements aim to connect consumers and farmers of the same locality such that the local economy grows, consumers get fresh food and the farmers get to sell their produce. Farmers markets are a broad feature of these movements.
2. Free range chickens ⇒ Value-added speciality crops, organic farming.
Free range chickens are allowed to graze for themselves instead of being fed industrial food. This means that they were farmed organically.
3. Food subscription services ⇒ Community-supported Agriculture.
Community-supported agriculture works by connecting consumers and farmers such that the consumers can subscribe to the farmer's harvest.
4. People not having a grocery store near them to get fresh food ⇒ Food Desert.
As the term implies, a people in a food desert will be unable to get fresh food in their area because much like a desert which lacks certain resources, their area lacks food.
5. Growing plants on a rooftop in the city ⇒ Urban Farming.
Some people have taken to urban farming where they farm in the cities and towns. As these areas do not have enough areas to farm, people have had to improvise and rooftop farming is one of the ways they did.
6. When coffee plantation workers in LDCs get more money for their coffee products in better working hours/conditions ⇒ Fair Trade.
Farmers getting paid the right or close to the right wages for the work they put in especially from Less Developed Countries (LDC) means they are getting a fair trade because they are receiving enough or close to enough compensation for their work.
Answer: Japan could be one
That people benefit from experience potential failure