In C++:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string fname,lname; int num;
cout<<"Firstname: "; cin>>fname;
cout<<"Lastname: "; cin>>lname;
cout<<"4 digits: "; cin>>num;
string login = lname;
login = lname.substr(0, 5); }
return 0;
See attachment for explanation where I used comments to explain each line
weight = float(input("Enter your weight in pounds: "))
height = float(input("Enter your height in inches: "))
weight = weight * 0.45359237
height = height * 0.0254
bmi = weight / (height * height)
print("Your BMI is: %.4f" % bmi)
*The code is written in Python.
Ask the user to enter weight in pounds and height in inches
Convert the weight into kilograms and height into meters using given conversion rates
Calculate the BMI using given formula
Print the BMI
The problem identification document contains the description of the problems that are restricting the goals and objectives of the project from being achieved.
It does not guide in decision making of the software developers.It helps them to see where the problem is not in decision making.
Hence the answer to this question is False.
A 5GL fifth-generation languages a programming language design to solve given problem without programmer. The user only needs to solve the problem and condition without implementing an algorithm.
First Generation Language
The first generation language is called low- level style because they were used at a superficial level of abstraction. First-generation language referred to as the native language.
Second Generation Language
The second-generation language is also low-level language or assembly language. The second level of language uses the concept of mnemonics for the writing program. Symbolic name are used.
Third Generation Language
The third-generation language overcomes the first and second-generation languages. Third generation language is considered as high- level language because the target is to focus on the logic of the program.
Fourth Generation Language
The language of generation required a lot of time and effort that affect programmers.The fourth-generation was developed to reduce the time, cost, and effort.
Fifth Generation Language
The programming language of this generation focuses on constraints programming. The fifth-generation programming languages are Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Network.
<em>Remember, </em>Malware is a word coined from the words Malicious-Software (Mal...ware). Thus, Malware could be defined as software that is intentionally designed by cybercriminals to gain access or cause damage to a computer or network.
a. Cindy may learn the difference between these two techniques used to create a malware attack:
- through downloads from malicious websites: An attacker may design a malicious website; in which unsuspecting users who visit the site may click to download certain files, but these are actually malware software been installed.
- through malicious emails: This email may contain attachments which if opened or downloaded by an unsuspecting user would infect their computer with malware.
b. Here are some common suggestions;
- Never open attachments from strange email addresses.
- install a paid antivirus software.
- be mindful of websites with too many ads.