1. Nutrientes:
- alimento
- oxígeno (O2)
2. Productos de la nutrición animal:
- residuos orgánicos
- dióxido de carbono (CO2)
Los alimentos son sustancias químicas que los animales ingieren a fin de que el organismo transforme dichos compuestos en nutrientes los cuales son requieridos para la generación, el crecimiento y la reconstrucción de células y tejidos.
El oxígeno (O2) es un nutriente escencial para la vida el cual se absorbe mediante el proceso de respiración. Este proceso posibilita la absorción de otros nutrientes obtenidos a través de la alimentación.
Los residuos orgánicos representan productos de la nutrición animal los cuales se descomponen naturalmente para formar parte de la materia orgánica. En animales, los desechos órganicos son eliminados a través de los excrementos o en la orina.
El dióxido de Carbono (CO2) es un producto de la respiración. En animales, la respiración celular consume oxígeno y compuestos orgánicos con el objetivo de producir energía en forma de ATP. Como concecuencia del proceso de respiración, los animales liberan CO2 al medio ambiente.
If you want to reheat potatoes that are already cooked on a pan or fried, they may mash or dry, especially if they are fried. Better to avoid this practice for taste reasons, even if we can possibly heat them in the pan.
How to do?
To reheat potatoes boiled in water or steam, fry them in the pan: this is the best way to get the right result to taste, and you can also heat them in the microwave. cutting them into pieces so that reheating is easier and more uniform.
The two bacteria are considered to be anaerobic endospore-formers that deliver neurotoxins. Disease comes about when the endospores are brought profound into the tissues. The two neurotoxins meddle with engine control. Botulism poison, delivered by C. botulinum, ties the cytoplasmic films of engine neurons at the neurotransmitter and keeps the arrival of acetylcholine neurotransmitter and, subsequently, forestalls motioning to muscle cells. At the point when muscle cells don't get signals from engine neurons, they stay loose, bringing about a flabby loss of motion. The absence of engine control delivers a not insignificant rundown of side effects, the most genuine of which is a respiratory disappointment, on the grounds that respiratory muscles can be influenced by botulism poison.
The correct options are as follows:
1. USE, B.
Land use refers to the function of a particular land, that is, what the land is been used for. For instance land can be used for agriculture, construction of roads, residential apartments, hotels, zoos, etc. Land use differs in the urban and rural settings. In the rural settings, land is usually used for farming and forestry while in the urban setting, land is usually used for construction purposes.
The modification of the earth's surface due to land use is called LAND USE CHANGE, LUC. A lot of changes occur when man use lands for different purposes. For instance, examples of land use change include: reduction in forest biomass, conversion of forest and grassland to pasture, etc,