1. debemos
“That same week was the International Music Festival in Cartagena. There were many parties and parades on the street.
Carolina and Magdalena decided to go visit a friend who was a scientist and they walked towards the exit of the hotel. When they saw the parades in the streets of Cartagena they put on costumes to try to hide, and so that the pirates would not recognize them.”
If you ever need help with translations or languages use google translate
B because it’s the first word I don’t know how to explain it but I know the answer
1. cocine
2. bailo
3. correct
4. enseña
5. corres
6. correct
7. estan
1. atlética, generosa
2. correct
3. fuertes, rápidos
4. largos
5. correct
6. inteligente
7. atenta
I haven't learned the comparative or the superlative.
1. Elsa lleva a su hija con él.
2. Roberto y Marla lo compran.
3. Uds la preparan.
4. Yo lo compro.
5. Vosotros la escribís a la abuela
1. Nosotros se lo compramos.
2. Yo se la digo.
3. Ellas se la dan.
4. Te lo traigo.
5. Tú me la escribes.