Specialized search engines indexes content specialized by topic or location and are used to deliver more relevant results to the user. It indexes pages for particular topics. Examples of specialized search engines and their applications include;
1. Uquery.com – This new search engine focuses more on the emergence of iPhone and iPod touch applications
2. Taptu.com – A downloadable search engine that helps the user find items specific to fit on a mobile screen
3. Yahooligans – A sub-domain of yahoo that focuses on kid friendly games.
4. Pubmed.com – This is specifically meant for students in medical schools
5. Zillow.com – Online real estate service that provides information regarding home purchase.
They are not always right or the most accurate.
Judgments and decisions based on heuristics are simply good enough to satisfy a pressing need in situations of uncertainty, where information is incomplete.
import sys
coins = { "quarters" : 25, "dimes" : 10, "nickels" : 5, "pennies" : 1 }
def mkChange( balance, coin ):
qty = balance // coins[ coin ]
if( qty ):
print( str( qty ) + ' ' + coin )
return( balance % coins[ coin ] )
if( __name__ == "__main__" ):
if( len( sys.argv ) == 2 ):
balance = int( sys.argv[ 1 ] )
balance = mkChange( balance, "quarters" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "dimes" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "nickels" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "pennies" )
sys.stderr.write( "\nusage: " + sys.argv[ 0 ] + " <change owed>\n" )
<span>a reflector is an improvised or specialised reflective ... Also known as plane reflectors, "flats" or bounce boards, this kind of reflector is located independent of a light source; ... Hence bounce lighting may provide either the primary or secondary (fill) light source, depending on its intensity.</span>