the process of improvement
Africa appears much bigger than the other landmasses on the Peters map projection.
There are numerous projection maps. All of them have some advantages and some disadvantages. One of those map projections in the Peters map projection or Gal-Peters map projection. This map projection's biggest problem is that it stretches certain parts of the world, some horizontally, some vertically.
On this map projection, Africa looks much bigger than it is, and it is comparable with the size of Asia even though Asia is much bigger in reality. The reason for this is that on the Peters map projection a vertical stretching occurrs around the Equator, and since the Equator passes around the middle of Africa the effect is the biggest at this landmass.
Volcanoes play an important role in creating land since they are the sources of magma, which once above ground normally cools to create new land. In the ocean, this land normally forms at divergent and convergent boundaries or hot spots. At divergent boundaries (where two plates move apart), magma constantly erupts along a trench deep below the ocean's surface. This magma rarely piles upward and instead is pushed to both sides of the trench. This is how new seafloor forms. Convergent boundaries can create island arcs like Indonesia as magma erupts bit by bit. Hot spots occur in the middle of plates. They are instances where the mantle pierces through the crust and begins to erupt directly onto to seafloor. Over time, these eruptions will pile up and create underwater volcanoes until they potentially make it above sea level, thereby forming an island. This is how Hawaii was and continues to be formed.

thickness of aerosol layer is 2.5 km
zenith angle is 40 degree
we know that


is extinction coefficient
extiction cross section
N = Concentration


The four tools mapmaker use are: