DNA/ Traits
they trace species origins back and find common point and every time they do, they connect them on the line, creating something that looks like "branches" google "cladogram"
Amino acid reactions. Amino acids via their various chemical functionalities can undergo numerous chemical reactions.
Answer & explanation:
The cell was discovered in 1669 by the English scientist Robert Hooke when looking at a piece of tissue in a two-lens microscope. Hooke was able to visualize small cavities in the experiment piece, then naming such cell cavities.
Only a century and a half after the discovery of the cell, that the Cell Theory was launched, replacing the theory of spontaneous generation (or abiogenesis).
Before that, many scientists were already busy understanding the structure and functioning of the cell, generating knowledge that became fundamental to the development of biology, specifically cytology, a branch of science that studies the structure, functions and development of cells.