holders of financial assets with fixed money values increase their spending.
Prestige pricing is a unique pricing method involving products which would actually generate less overall profit at lower prices than higher prices. As long as the product is views by the public as being "prestigious," it will be in greater demand at the higher price. If the price were lowered, the public opinion of the product would be lower and the product would be seen as less desirable. This results in the product selling less at the lower price than at the higher price.
Answer: Reclassify Transactions
The accountants-only tool that enables one to be able to categorize a couple of transactions or a large batch of transactions in only a few clicks is referred to as the reclassify transactions.
In order to reclassify transactions, one has to find the transactions that the accountant wants to reclassify first, after which the transactions would then be reclassified and then moved.
he is not
This is being justified by the corruption that is happening in the SAA without his consultation