RNA polymerase (green) synthesizes RNA by following a strand of DNA. RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, duyring the process of transcription.
Saturated fatty acids lack double bonds between the individual carbon atoms, while in unsaturated fatty acids there is at least one double bond in the fatty acid chain. Saturated fats tend to be solid at room temperature and from animal sources, while unsaturated fats are usually liquid and from plant sources :)
Answer: biotic factors include plants and animals. So, the rainforest animals are more adapted to warmer weather meaning they have less fur and are built for warmer weather. The plants in a rainforest need lots of water to survive as well as carbon dioxide so they have large, wide leaves.
In a Taiga biome, the animals have more fur and adaptations to help them to survive in colder weather. The plants primarily consist of fir and pine trees, which have waxy, needle-like leaves to retain water as well. The trees also dont lose their leaves in the winter.
The carbon cycle refers to the procedure in which the atoms of the carbon are recycled again and again on Earth. Carbon recycling occurs within the biosphere of the Earth and between the nonliving environment and living things.
In case if I were a carbon, then I would have originated from fossil fuels and left the ground, through the process of photosynthesis I would have entered the trees, I would have consumed by animals, even I would have released from some of the trees or plants that dies, I would have also released from animals by the process of decomposition after their demise, and animals can even breathe me in out by the process of respiration.